Creating Rielli Swimwear: From Passion to Innovation

What inspired you to start Rielli the brand?
"I founded Rielli in 2019. It was kind of like COVID-founded, but also a passion of mine," Baril reminisces. Her inspiration stemmed from the desire to create swimwear that she wanted to see in the industry but couldn't quite find. Living in the vibrant fashion scene of South Florida only fueled her creativity further, making Rielli her passion.
What truly sets Rielli apart from other swimwear brands?
According to Baril it's a combination of two key elements: fabric and brand ethics. Rielli made "crinkle" fabric sexy, fun, and unique, while their colorways are carefully curated to allow mix and match options expanding their range and diversifying their offerings.
What do you love most about what you do?
Baril states what she loves most about her work is the freedom to bring her creative visions to life. She cherishes the process of transforming an idea into a tangible product, and now, with Rielli's international success, she witnesses her creations captivating people worldwide. Her motivation stems from the desire to continuously innovate and surprise her customers. By staying updated with fashion trends and combining elements in unique ways, she strives to "wow" people and create designs that leave a lasting impression.
What significant challenges have you faced since starting Rielli?
According to Baril, Rielli has faced its fair share of challenges. Staying on top of everything and consistently meeting deadlines has been a significant hurdle. At times, delays were inevitable, but Baril and her team persevered, learning from each setback and using it as a steppingstone for growth.
What’s a day in the life?
A typical day in Baril’s life is filled with tasks and responsibilities. She begins her day by checking her social media to ensure everything is running smoothly, followed by sorting through emails and responding to partnership propositions and inquiries. Managing the marketing aspect of the business is also a priority. With a small production team, she has daily meetings to oversee samples, orders, and production. Rielli's founder is also hands-on in fulfilling orders and handling customer inquiries, ensuring a personal touch in every interaction.
Rielli Riviera
Rielli's journey from passion to innovation is a testament to the power of following one's dreams. As Rielli continues to make waves in the swimwear industry, we eagerly await the next stunning creations from this innovative swimwear brand. The brand has just launched a new collection, Rielli Riviera available at SPLASH both in-store and online. As one of the only boutiques in South Florida carrying this collection make sure to check it out and stay tuned for more blog posts to come.